They buy newborn puppies for Christmas presents, and quickly abandon them for summer vacations. The abandoned, now homeless animals are run over, mistreated or destroyed. Those that arrive at the municipal pounds will be sacrificed ...
They buy newborn puppies for Christmas presents, and quickly abandon them for summer vacations. The abandoned, now homeless animals are run over, mistreated or destroyed. Those that arrive at the municipal pounds will be sacrificed ...
La tarde del MARTES - Ma?ana los RPM (duda la P) salimos a dar una vuelta a las 18:00 horas desde el Pinar frente el bHotel/b Don Carmelo. Hace 58 minutos. JABALI BIKERS ? DIUMENGE 11 D'ABRIL...A CORONAR "EL SUI" - * Diumenge,amb permís del temps, intentarem coronar "El Sui" per celebar la victória ... LA RUTA LOS 1/3 - Hoy los avilabici nos han invitado a acompa?arlos hasta bnavaluenga/b donde el Barbas nos ha deleitado con una rutilla, bastante wapa, con subidas una subida . ...